CINEMA 4D R13 - the next generation of leading the industry in 3D motion graphics, visual effects, painting and rendering. With the new character animation, integrated stereographic properties, the possibility of an interaction of several artists (designers) and the physical rendering, CINEMA 4D R13, based on 25 years of the company, allows 3D-artists (designers) around the world quickly and simply create the most attractive content for any of the branches.
New Feature :
New Physical Renderer.
Physical Camera settings.
New Subsurface Scattering Shader.
Stereoscopic render settings.
New, improved XRefs.
New Collisions deformer.
New muscle system has been integrated.
The CMotion object generates walk cycles and other cyclical, parametric animations.
Assigning an animation path according to the layer color.
Display in the Viewport can, in consideration of linear workflow, be turned off.
Stereoscopic settings for the Viewports.
Camera modes can also be switched directly via commands.
2 new Viewport options.
Renaming the HUD.
Tabs can be arranged vertically.
New options in Customize Commands Manager.
Project files now have preview images.
Defined keyframe interpolation now in Project Settings.
Improved camera navigation in the Viewport.
2 new Project settings for XRefs.
Support for COLLADA 1.5
2 new FBX import options.
New FBX export option for baking animation tracks.
New rotation order parameter for minimizing gimbal lock.
Font selection now with preview.
Optimized HyperNURBS weighting.
Mesh-Deformer: Cage objects no longer have to be closed volumes.
A new parameter for defining the blur plane for depth of field.
New Far Clipping camera setting.
Stereoscopic camera settings.
New XRef commands for creating/editing XRef objects.
The out-of-view indicator indicates the direction in which selected objects lie outside of the Viewport.
Automatic tweak mode for quickly adjusting objects, points, edges or polygons.
Edge loop selection via double-click.
Simple selection path.
Selecting related polygon groups via double-click.
The naming tool can now automatically number names sequentially.
Object Axis mode has been renamed to Axis mode and offers new functions as a temporary modeling axis.
Expanded functionality for and CTRL keys for the Move tool.
The Move tool's Axis Extension helps to accurately model/position objects.
Variable speed for Scale tool; scale axis.
The Rotation tool's Axis Extension helps to accurately model/position objects.
New options for moving, rotating, scaling and selecting objects.
New modeling workflow with hotkeys.
Several commands' options can be defined separately.
New command for creating separate objects from polygon groups.
Command for changing the order of a polygons points.
The number of repetitions can now be defined for animation tracks.
Time Tracks can be automatically be set to the length of the corresponding animation track.
New keyframe option.
Multiple selection of Timeline Markers, easy renaming via double-click.
An explanatory text can be added to Timeline Markers.
Two new commands for key tangents.
New Keep Visual Angle key property.
New Check Textures option for Render Queue.
OpenEXR now supports multiple channels and offers 2 new compression options.
After Effects supports Stereoscopy and Stage object.
Re-organization of antialiasing filter, incl. new options.
New Watermark Post Effect for including information in image.
Several new commands for placing objects onto surfaces, replacing objects and placing objects hierarchically.
New Bind tool options
The Joints list can be arranged and filtered in the Weight tool.
Weight Manager: baking Effectors also takes Joint falloff into consideration.
Workflow improvement for weighting.
Weight values can be rounded according to Auto Weight values.
Improved auto weighting
Weight tool displays selected Joints in any desired color.
Joint icons can be colored according to their weight.
Joints now have a falloff functionality.
Pose Morph Tag: morph targets can be organized in folders in Animation mode.
New IK Spline option
The Point Cache tag can now also bake object position, scale and rotation.
Point Cache tag: Loops can be blended together.
Reworked Visual Selector.
C.O.F.F.E.E. and Python have been re-arranged in a common menu, Script Manager, etc.
New motion blur mode for Physical Renderer.
In the Protection tag you can now define per axis or region how an object can be moved, rotated or scaled.
GI Area light option for Physical Renderer's GI mode.
New physically correct Fresnel effect.
A texture can be used for each color in the Tile Shader.
Improved methods for generating dirt on brick walls.
New button type.
Function graphs improved and adapted to Timeline F-Curves.
New filter in XPresso tool.
New parameter for Matrix 2HPB Operator.
New double-click functionality in Picture Viewer.
Picture Viewer's background color can be changed (for better viewing of rendered image).
Stereoscopic settings in Picture Viewer for subsequent stereoscopic editing.
Single frames of two separate animations can now be compared in the Picture Viewer.
The Content Browser now uses the same view settings for all folders.
In addition to enhanced native .wav and .aiff QuickTime import, CINEMA 4D can also import .mp3, .aac and other sound formats.
New Terrain Mask shader for creating snow-covered or overgrown landscapes.
Improved time and date functionality.
New CNurbs option.
The new muscle system has its own deformer.
The CMotion Step object is used to fine-tune automatically generated CMotion step cycles.
The Character Component tag is the basis for creating a character.
Several new commands for creating and editing character templates and components.
Use the Character object to quickly generate character rigs.
New Python Effector for MoGraph functionaliy.
New Multi Shader mode for creating mosaic images.
Several new Multi Shader commands.
The NET client now also has Preferences settings, for example for defining texture paths.
New mode for Art Shader; the Shader will now be displayed in realtime in the Viewport (in Enhanced OpenGL mode).
Maya now also accepts UV coordinates modified in BodyPaint 3D.
System Requirements
Recommended system requirements include Windows XP, Vista or 7 running on Intel or AMD CPU with SSE2-Support;
Mac OS X 10.5.8 or higher running on an Intel-based Mac and 1024 MB RAM, DVD ROM drive. Up to 256 threads now supported. Standard DVD installation can take up to 2.5 GB of disk space.
Download Cinema 4D R13 + Dvd Bonus(Win&Mac) 2011
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