Thứ Ba, 5 tháng 7, 2011

10 Tips to Improve Link Popularity Blog

In this article I will share to you how to increase Link Popularity. Do you know what it is Link Popularity? maybe some of you've never heard even understand it. If you know about search engine optimization techniques or Search Engine Optimization (SEO), it will be very closely related between the two.

Link Popularity is a standard or a parameter which we have a lot of blog links / links from other blogs or websites. Link to our blog called with Backlink or Inbound Links, where it is a very important part in order to increase traffic to your blog so kunjugan will enhance everything that becomes your goal for blogging.

The most common question asked is "How do I create a link on a blog or another website to our blog?". In the following article you will get an answer so the question was not would you ask again in the future. Most of you can do at no cost at all although some of them will require a small fee, without further ado let's get started.

1. Register your blog on sites Directory
We have available thousands of Web Directories where you can register your blog for free until paid. However most of this directory is free and easy to do. This is an absolute way you do if you want to get significant traffic to your blog. Select Directory Web's most crowded and has a big name or in other words can you trust his credibility.


DMOZ and Yahoo are two big names for the world's largest web directory. DMOZ is free but is very difficult for most people can register your blog / website its there. But he said if it made it into the DMOZ directory is a great success and guarantee of traffic.

Yahoo Directory is not free (read = now) because once it can be available for free. But now Yahoo will charge an annual charge if you use their services. The cost is $ 299 USD for the first year and subsequent years.

Use another free web directory you can search using Google Mbah services with the keyword "free web directory" to those who need backlinks from sites of English-language directory. If you need a website or blog specific directories Indonesia, but do not be surprised if the search results may not be very relevant because there are so many web / blog directory organized potluck. One more thing you need to consider if you travel this free path is mounted on the need backlinks to your blog to web directories which you applied or so-called Reciprocal Link.
Use a blog directory that is really special for this purpose as can be demonstrated in my previous article on Search Tips for Blog Traffic, some of them that I recommend is PlanetBlog.

2. Participate actively in various discussion forums
Discussion forums are very powerful, especially if the proper forum and according to your blog. Never put a link in forums that do not fit with the topic of your blog as it will only waste time saja.Carilah forum that could put a link or URL of your blog at the bottom of your posts on a discussion that generally there is at the bottom. Remember that not all discussion forums allow this even some of them that requires that you are required to actively discuss the previous advance. I can honestly call Kaskus as a discussion forum that so many visitors. Kaskus is free and you can use it, but use it wisely and do not ever send spam messages.

3. Comments on other blogs
This is not a new technique, because at first it's already become something previously unfathomable. Describe the comments polite and pleasant, of course, will get its own value. Find blogs that best meets your blog because it would be more useful and can provide tremendous effect backlinks, why? because some of these blogs DoFollow technique could be applied.

4. Article Marketing
Ever heard of this term? Article marketing is a marketing technique through the articles you write. Can be either a review or a review of a product or service you're selling atapun other things that you targetkan.Tulislah with formation of nuanced sentences promotions, evaluations and testimonials. Try to be objective but still a definite and strong to emphasize the benefits of your product or service you're selling. Submit your writing to the many existing marketing directory such as EzineArticles, eHow, ArticleBase, GoArticles, buzzle and many more.ezinearticles_com
To be honest I have not seen the Indonesian sites that specialize in this category, perhaps among the readers there who knows?. But I know for certain that SejutaBlog you can use for that purpose. There you can write a product review independently complete by including the URL, photos and video.

5. Social Bookmarking
Make your blog so that visitors can easily to add the address of your blog to various Social Bookmarking websites. Some of the most popular are Delicious, StumbleUpon, Digg, Reddit, Mixx, Google Bookmarks, Yahoo Buzz, and others.sharethis_com
Use of ShareThis or AddThis facilities that can facilitate you to install all the Social Bookmarking sites on your blog.

6. Creating a Press Release
Do you know what is a Press Release? This is the sort of announcement or notifications where you can reveal the whereabouts of your blog. Most of the special web press releases allow you to include the URL so that it also would be a backlink will be. But unfortunately most of the websites and press releases are paid little gratis.Anda SejutaBlog can also avail services for this purpose for free. While others may use PRWeb, WebWire, Free Press Release.

7. Answering Questions
Yahoo Answers is a very good website to increase backlinks and increase traffic to your blog. Find the question you are able to answer and must not answer. Try to always be the answer to the best among other answers. This is difficult, therefore, look for questions that you believe to be able to answer satisfactorily the questioner and do not forget to include also the source of your reference.

8. Advertise
Classifieds is one solution to increase the popularity of your blog and the average is free. Well this is the most widely website is owned by Indonesia because it is very easy to make. Do not forget to look for the folder that best suits your blog theme.

9. Maximize social networking sites
Most of you must have an account on Facebook or Friendster, MySpace, Hi5 or any other? So please take advantage of them to add backlinks to your blog. In addition, the popular social networking sites like Facebook is very effective to increase traffic, create a group discussion there and invite your friends and acquaintances to join. Try to actively make the discussions of interest and curiosity in a way to include a resume about your latest articles.

10. Paid Links
Another way is actually quite effective advertising to pay some good money to be put permanently on a website advertising to your blog / other website that if it will bring significant results.

There are two ways to do this. The first is that you buy the link to the sellers website link or network providers such as Ad Network TextLinkAds, Link Worth, Kontera, Infolinks and so forth. While the second way is to buy a review by way of joining the paid review sites such as ReviewMe, PayPerPost, Sponsoredreviews, Blogvertise, BuyBlogReviews and others.

So that I can convey just to share experiences, hopefully this paper can be useful. Suggestions, criticisms and opinions so I really look forward to you, happy blogging! :).

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